Sale price$16.95


Neuro Salve is an all natural botanical product for nerve related issues such as neuralgia, neuropathy, injury or trauma. Unrefined shea butter is a deeply penetrating and soothing salve and is an effective carrier for the calming herbal ingredients of Ravensara, Calophyllum and Cistus. Since neuropathy related issues seem to worsen in the evening, a generous P.M. application is always recommended. Cover with a sock or glove for a few minutes if possible.

To Use: Apply to affected areas 1 – 2X daily as needed. For optimum results, apply gentle warmth 5 – 15 minutes afterward over affected area.

INGREDIENTSNatural unrefined Shea Butter, Ravensara, Calophyllum and Cistus.


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